Marketing your Work

When the time came to submit marketing copy and promotional images for our DYP Mini-Fest, I found it fairly easy to put 100 words together, despite being uncomfortable with the progress of the piece itself. It looked like this: ‘The prison has become a key ingredient of our common sense... It has become so much… Continue reading Marketing your Work

Professional Contexts

One festival in particular that I feel is relevant to the type of work I make is Emergency, a one-day festival of performance in Manchester produced by Word of Warning/STUN/Z-arts. The festival showcases emerging live art and contemporary performance work, and I feel it is relevant to my work for a number of reasons. Firstly,… Continue reading Professional Contexts

Scratch Reflection

My buddy Tia’s scratch sharing involved her testing out a number of different ideas at play in her work. She is testing the layering of signs; to see how performative images, mediated text, gestural or symbolic language, and cultural tropes can be assembled together for an audience to read for themselves – these are often… Continue reading Scratch Reflection

Documentation and Dissemination Techniques

Bertrand Lesca and Nasi Voutsas (Bert & Nasi) are some performance makers whose work I have admired for some time. Their website and ‘Online Content’ is a key reference point for me in terms of how I want to document elements of my own practice as it develops. Bert and Nasi make short, lo-fi videos… Continue reading Documentation and Dissemination Techniques

Starting Points

At this point in the programme, reflecting on how my thinking has developed since the beginning, its really interesting to think about what the through lines are, and what I would like to leave behind. My primary interest looking forward to this next project is an interest in how DIY making principles of dillentatism, auto-didacticism… Continue reading Starting Points